It's common that when we arrive to our destination we do the automatic shift to the Parking position, we don't even look where we are leaving our car and this is a BIG mistake. When we shift up to Parking what we are doing is locking up all the gears in the transmission box, so what's the problem with that? Well, we forget that the car weights thousand of pounds and when we park in a road that have inclination or just isn't flat enough, we let all that weight to rest in our transmission. This applied force starts to loose the gears, also they start to lose their teeth shape, in the long run you will damage your transmission. Now, how are we supposed to take care of this? it's simple. When arrive to your destination, instead of shifting to Parking, first put your car in Neutral position, then apply the emergency brake, in that way all the car weight will rest on the brake system, IS DESIGN FOR THAT. Finally, you can shift to Parking and now you are going to be taking care of your transmission.
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Updated: Aug 17, 2021